Monday 9 February 2015

Net19 seedy Sunday lunch

We had just been out wedding venue hunting and were all a bit seedy from my house warming the night before. We needed good food and fast. Net19 was the answer to all our questions and certainly provided the goods.
We sat outside as it was such a beautiful day, ordered and within about 15 minutes had our meals. I ordered a salad with pumpkin, beetroot, almonds and more plus added some smoked salmon. You cant go to fish and chips without chips though, so I ordered a small bowl (yes they are fried in their own gluten free fryer) served with a garlic aioli.
I also had a super smoothie made from almond milk, ice, dates and peanut butter. It was weird at first but then my taste buds got used to it and I really enjoyed it.
Overall, really really good meals, large servings, very friendly service and the price was good I thought.
This meal was not LCHF.

Brunch at the Raspberry Farm

So my last experience at the Raspberry farm wasn't the greatest, the food wasn't anything to rave about thats for sure, but we went again in hope it will be better. Indeed it was, the food was fantastic. I ordered a taste plate that had dips, breads, scone, pate and carrot. This was certainly NOT LCHF but I was letting myself have a treat. The dips were a bit bland, but the pate was amazing.
I washed it all down with a raspberry champagne and a bowl of raspberries and cream, yum yum!

You cant leave the raspberry farm though without chocolate raspberries, (x4, oops)!