Monday, 10 June 2013

This is me!

This is me! 

Hi, welcome to my blog about being a Coeliac in Tasmania. 
I have been Gluten Free since I was about 14/15 years old. I was one very sick girl that had lost a lot of weight, was anaemic, lethargic and had stomach problems. I was so glad to to put a stop to all that and regain a healthy body again. I eat nearly like a normal person again (of course being all gluten free). When I first became gluten free I found it very hard to find things to eat especially when out, now there is so much on offer my choices are endless. I still of course have to be careful with making sure there is no cross contamination as I get sick quiet easily if there is. 

Enough about the food and a little bit about me! I work as a receptionist at Utas School of Architecture and also teach dance (jazz) in my spare time. I live with my Sri Lankan partner in a cute little unit and love spending time with my friends and exercising. I have vibrant red hair and a fair few tattoos. Life's good and I am happy.

Lately I have been introduced into Sri Lankan cooking and discovered how amazing it is. This is one thing I want to share with everybody, how easy it is to cook an international cuisine while sticking to gluten free. I also want to share all the places that eat at (as I eat out a lot) and the great meals I have. This blog I will be posting recipes, places/food when dining out, exciting products I find and general life being a Gluten Free Tasmanian. 
Oh forgot, just to top it all off I am also meant to avoid dairy, soy, yeast, lamb and peas! Just to make it tough, but I am alright if I have a little bit here and there.

I look forward to bringing this blog to whoever wants to read and I really hope I can offer some Tasmanians and people visiting Tasmania some great advice and dining experiences. 

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