Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Raw/health food bars

I have an obsession with raw food bars at the moment, I search the isles of the supermarket for new things every week. Raw food would be the ideal diet for me and I would love to give it a go, but it is very expensive to get set up and its not everyone cuppa tea. Recipes are easy to find as its very popular at the moment, so I am going to try as much as I can, well anything thats easy that is.
For now I am sticking to these raw/health bars, the Counter Bar from Coles is great, they have a huge range of bars for all taste buds. Be careful though as not all of them are gluten free (some have oats). The raw chocolate and raw date almond and chia are my favourite. Great little pick me up.
The other ones are Macro from Woolworths, they are a chocolate bar substitute I suppose. They are fantastic, cheap and a rather large bar.
All of these bars are filling and a much healthier option!

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