Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Low Carb, High Fat - new eating plan

Recently I went to a dietician at the Diabetes health Centre Launceston as I am still suffering from stomach pains, bloating, cramps, gas and much more. My mother recommended I go as it seems to be the way a lot of people are going with their diets.
At first I didn't like the idea at all of eating high fat and low carb, I was very sceptical about it all. Reason being, I am so used to having 2 fruit, 3 veg, some protein and some carbs. This is how a lot of people eat and its hard to change your ideas on food intake. But I decided to give this a go and see if it could really help me feel better all over.

In short I have cut out all carbs (fruit, rice, starches, gluten free wheat alternatives, processed foods, sugar in any form) and am now sticking to all natural sources of fats such as coconut/olive oils, meat and meat fat, eggs, cheese and milk (goats for me), nuts and more, along with veggies. We need to look at as the way our ancestors used to eat, everything from the land and fruit only when it was in season (so as a treat). Back then there were a lot less issues with diabetes, obesity, food allergies, bowl/stomach issues and probably a lot more.

I have been given so many tips and joined a few Facebook pages so its been very overwhelming and an overload of information. I must admit though I am feeling better already and its only been 1 week. I have lost about 2kg in fluid as you lose a lot of un-needed fluid first up. I am still really hungry as I am used to snacking a fair bit, so will need to find some different options and up my fat a bit I reckon.

I will try and keep my blog updated on how I am going with this new eating plan (not calling it a diet as I am not really doing it to loose weight, thats just a bonus if I do!) Some people may not agree with this eating plan and that ok, I just want to give it a go and see what happens!

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