Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Fragrant Fish Curry

My Dad brought home from a fishing trip in Cairns some lovely fish and was generous enough to share some with me. We had it for dinner at his place fried, which was covered in whisked egg and gluten free breadcrumbs then chucked in the deep fryer. Gosh it tasted good and you wouldn't have even known it was gluten free. (shows gluten free substitutes are getting better, YAY)

With the pieces he gave me I decided to cook a curry. I searched through some cook books and found this recipe in an old book (something similar to women's weekly) and thought it looked simple and tasty. All the ingredients listed were all gluten free, the only things I had to check were the curry paste and fish sauce (I used Ayam: http://www.ayam.com/asian-range.html). Also instead of using all different seafood I just used fish and a few prawns for the top.
Give this one a go, it wont disappoint!

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