Monday, 5 January 2015

The Taste proving rather difficult

Over New Years I ventured down to the taste with a group of friends. I was extremely excited to try some new food and ciders, after doing a lap of the venue I soon started to loose that excitement. I couldn't find anything that had gluten free listed against it. To ease the hunt I went and got myself a chilli ginger beer which was very tasty, I soon gave up and went to a place called Mint, it was the only one with gluten free listed on their menu. I had 2 rice paper rolls which were pretty average and defiantly not low carb. I pushed on and just spent my money on trying new ciders, I got to a point though were I thought I really do need to eat something and something decent otherwise I will be one very hungry girl later. I bee-lined to the Curry place and asked if their Chicken Tikka Misala was gluten free and yes it was, yay! I got a big plate of chicken that tasted great and got me through the night. I was so disappointed though with that lack of allergy friendly food on offer, I don't need much but I wish more places had something and if they did, that they listed it on their menus. No way was I walking to each store and asking if they had something gluten free, how annoying.
Anyways word of warning to coeliacs who want to go to the taste this year, just keep in mind finding gluten free isn't that easy!

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