Wednesday 24 June 2015

A normal breakfast for me - LCHF

Recently I posted a Chia Pudding that I have for breakfast, but on the days I don't have that I have a hot brekkie. Who doesn't love a hot brekkie of bacon and eggs, but who has time to do a big breakfast every morning, not me! So to make it simple I make more of a scrambled eggs/omelette sort of thing and its great! It fills me up for ages and can be made in advance and reheated. This is what I do:


  • 2-3 rashers of bacon
  • coconut oil for cooking 
  • 2 x whisked eggs with a dash of milk
  • 4 x small sliced mushrooms
  • capsicum
  • half a tomato 
  • goats cheese
  • half an avocado 
  • can also add onion, chorizo, zucchini and whatever veggies you want 
Cook the mushrooms first until soft/golden in some coconut oil, add everything else (but the eggs, avocado and cheese) and cook until your happy. Then add the egg, avocado and cheese and stir constantly until cook through. 

Easy peasy! 

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