Sunday, 7 July 2013

Homemade creme brulee

I had my Dad and his brother over for dinner recently and for them I cooked up a storm. We had Sri Lankan Mallung, Dahl and yellow rice, also an Indian Beef Vindaloo. It was all so tasty, but I now need to expand my horizons and start cooking some different Sri Lankan dishes.
But the main reason for this post is Dads homemade creme brulee. ITS AMAZING!! Now Dad isn't much of a fancy cook, baker or master-chef but he has mastered the creme brulee because he entered a competition at work to raise money and you had to make a dessert/sweet. He won! Now this is all he ever makes, but we never complain. This night we ended up having 2 each cause they were so good. Easily gluten free as its just egg whites, sugar, cream and vanilla. (Yes I know I shouldn't have dairy but its a treat I sometimes pay for!) So when eating out or wanting to make a simple dessert be sure that creme brulee is a safe bet that shouldn't disappoint.

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