Tuesday, 24 September 2013

A lunch full of flavour

Todays lunch was a homemade salad, yum yum. I want to share my creation with you.

half a capsicum
2 x tomatos
1 x carrot
half a red onion
1 x zucchini (I was meant to use cucumber, but accidentally bought zucchini)
1 x large tin of tuna
1 x lettuce
pumpkin and sunflower seeds
Honey & Dijon mustard vinaigrette

*option to add corn and avocado or other veggies of choice

Slice all the ingredients into small pieces and mix in a large bowl then add the tuna. Divide the mixture into 3-4 containers, then slice the lettuce up finely and sit on top as you don't want it to go soggy from the tuna.
When serving add the seeds so that they stay crunchy and cover with the vinaigrette.
The dressing is what made it really tasty I reckon but you could still taste all the flavours of the vegetables, seeds and tuna. Its one healthy lunch thats made me feel good after my lunchtime walk.

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