Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Spag Bol with Kangroo mince

Spag Bol (Spaghetti Bolognese) is one of my all time favourite dishes. Its quick, its easy and its cheap and its something you can eat all year round. Now that I have to have it gluten free I tend not to use long spaghetti has it always goes gluggy and just isn't the same, so I used spirals or shaped pasta. Also this time i decided to use kangaroo mince as its rather lean meat and has a stronger flavour, but still tasting similar to beef.
Here is my easy method for cooking one very satisfying spag bol:

  • 1 bag of gluten free pasta of choice
  • 500g-1kg mince (kangaroo or beef) 
  • Raguletto pasta sauce
  • Coles tomato paste
  • Sweet chilli sauce
  • garlic
  • salt and pepper to taste 
  • Boil a pot of water before putting in the pasta, stir occasionally until cooked. 
  • Fry in a pot or fry pan the garlic and the mince until cooked.
  • Add the sauces and bring to the boil.
  • Drain and rinse the pasta.
  • Add the pasta to the mince/sauce and stir until sauce is thickened. 
  • Serve with salt and pepper
I find the spag bol always tastes better the next day, so if you cook too much, save some for the next day or cook it the night before you want to eat it. Enjoy!

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