Sunday, 23 June 2013

Soup and bread, just like a normal person

I just bought myself some bread from Coles supermarket, so while it was still reasonably fresh I wanted to make a sandwich or have it with soup, as today (Monday the 24 June) is freezing cold I decided to go with soup. I headed straight for the normal soup section of the supermarket and looked for the only soup I know is gluten free LaZuppa, but I stumbled across this one by Taylors. It doesn't say its gluten free but I read all the ingredients on the back and there was nothing containing gluten. SCORE! For only $3 and a rather good serving I couldn't go wrong. I had a quick look at the other flavours and I think they may have been gluten free too (but best check before purchasing). I had my soup to warm me up after a lunch time walk and it was really really good and the bread just topped it off.
So to me I believe being a coeliac you dont have to miss out on much these days, compared to when I first found out I was coeliac. You just have to be patient and read labels to get the best foods.

Also a little tip, when buying bread I suggest as soon as you open it that you section it into servings and wrap them up in glad wrap. I then freeze it as I dont eat it very often. This is the best way to keep it fresh and tasty. I normally buy Country Life Bakery bread: 

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