Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Work lunch at Mud, Seaport

I am so lucky I have a wicked job at the Uni because today we got to treat ourselves to lunch at Mud because our SEO is leaving and because we like to all hang out together to take a break. I am not a big fan of Mud, as to me it can be a bit over priced and the lunch options are minimal. But for lunch we all had a lunch special of 2 meals, wine and a tea/coffee for $35 (which is pretty cheap). I chose the porterhouse steak with parmasen potato skins and a dijion and caper butter. Unfortunately the potato skins were fried in the same fryer as other wheat products (always ask this question as most places put everything in the same fryer), so I had beans instead. Then I had an amazing ice-cream with strawberries and cream minus this shortbread. Overall it was a nice meal just bummed I couldn't eat the potato and because the table had chat potatoes for entree too. Stupid deep fryers!!

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